In conjunction with the Lamm Jewish Library of Australia
304 Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield South VIC 3162
Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 6.30pm ,
“In Search of the Rescuers”
Professor Leon Mann and his nephew, Dr. Danny Mann-Segal, will share the remarkable story of Moritz Mandelkern, a relative they never met, who documented his and his wife Henriette’s harrowing survival while hiding in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.
Their joint talk will explore four key themes:
Research, Revelation, and Discovery: The journey of uncovering Moritz’s story.
Preserving Holocaust Memory: The importance of recording and retelling survivor experiences.
Places of Holocaust Memory: Exploring the significance of hiding places, concentration camps, Stolpersteine, Yad Vashem, cemeteries, records, and written testimony.
Transformative Connections: The impact of discovering stories of extraordinary courage, meeting descendants, sharing information, bearing witness, and fostering lasting friendships.
This presentation offers a profound reflection on the enduring lessons of Holocaust memory and its power to shape lives and connections across generations.
Location: Lamm Jewish Library of Australia www.ljla.org.au
Professor Leon Mann:
Professor Leon Mann AO, a psychologist, is a Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne. He is a past President of the Australian Psychological Society and the Academy of the Social Sciences. He has received Honorary Doctorates from Hebrew University and University of Melbourne. Leon writes about the history of the Broken Hill Jewish community and leads historical visits to Broken Hill. It has been a deeply rewarding experience to work together with his nephew Danny to uncover family history, roots, and connections.
Dr Daniel Mann-Segal:
Dr Daniel Mann-Segal, Leon’s nephew, works in General Practice in North Road Medical South Caulfield, and Cabrini Rehabilitation Brighton. He is a graduate in Medicine from Monash University and in Family Medicine and Sports Medicine from Israel. Danny is passionate about family history, genealogy. and finding family connections. He is proud that his research has helped connect family members world-wide. Discovering how Moritz and Henriette Mandelkern survived the Holocaust and finding their rescuers, descendants, and his family connections has been a life-changing experience
Wednesday March 19, 2025 at 7 PM by ZOOM
Resources for Genealogical Research in Israel
Rony Golan is an Israeli lawyer and a forensic genealogist. He is a lecturer of Law at the Tel Aviv University, and before that he taught Law for many years at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Rony authored a few articles concerning various aspects of genealogical research.
ZOOM details
Meeting ID: 894 6934 3780
Passcode: 450540
Sunday 23rd March 2025, at 2.30-4.00 p.m., Glen Eira Town Hall
(Clock Tower entrance – via stairs or elevator)
What was your Eureka moment in your genealogical
Attendees will have an allotted time to speak about where and what they found.
Bring a copy of your family tree to share or some family memorabilia.
This event will be free for members and children under 16.
In conjunction with the Lamm Jewish Library of Australia
Tuesday 20th May, 2025 at 6.30pm
‘Uncovering Their Names and Stories: 300+ Years of a German-Jewish Family 1697-2024’
David Marlow
Recently GM St Kilda Synagogue and CEO East Timor Hearts Fund. Non Executive Director, social justice and multicultural advocate and former Executive Director, Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV).
Australian Jewish Historical Society Vic Inc
Details and booking www.ljla.org.au
Upcoming Event
Rony Golan, Golan Genealogy גולן גנאלוגיה – Resources for Genealogical Research in Israel (on ZOOM)
Rony Golan, Golan Genealogy גולן גנאלוגיה Rony Golan is an Israeli lawyer and a forensic genealogist. He is a lecturer of Law at the
David Marlow- ‘Uncovering Their Names and Stories: 300+ Years of a German-Jewish Family 1697-2024’
Tuesday May 20th, 2025, 6.30 p.m, Lamm Library David Marlow will speak on ‘Uncovering Their Names and Stories: 300+ Years of a German-Jewish Family 1697-2024’
Leon Mann & Danny Mann Segal -‘ Our long voyage of discovering how our relatives Moritz and Henny were saved during the Holocaust and meeting the descendants who saved them’
Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 6.30pm in Conjunction with the Lamm Library Leon Mann & Danny Mann Segal will speak on ‘ Our long voyage
Meet other AJGS-VIC members and the committee. Bring a copy of your family tree
Sunday March 23rd, 2025; 2.30-4.00pm at Glen Eira Town Hall Enter via the Clock Tower ( stairs or elevator) For further information email [email protected]
Sunday Oct. 29th 2023 (click EVENTS tab for more details)
“Explore Land records and name Changes in NSW”
Talk by Gary LUKE ( The Australian Jewish Historical Society ). Zoom presentation on Sunday, October 29th, 10.00am -12noon .
To join us please register for the zoom link at
(Meeting ID: 872 7342 2469 Passcode: 734780) You will receive a confirmation email from Zoom. If you don’t please check your spam folder.
Sunday Nov. 2023 ( 7.15 pm )-AGM of the AJGSVic. (click EVENTS tab for more details)
After the AGM, Michael Tobias and Paul Gardner, will present a joint Zoom presentation, talking about how Michael found the parents of a Kindertransport child.In this presentation, Paul will describe the outcome of a research project that he pursued, intermittently, over six years. This work led to the later involvement of one of the world’s leading genealogists, Michael Tobias, whose DNA research not only confirmed Paul’s conclusions, but expanded them by adding some extraordinary new findings, which Michael will describe later.
Not really sure where to start? No problem! We’ve compiled a list of common questions to help you get a better idea of our community.
AJGS Victoria is a member of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies We’re a non-profit organisation based in Victoria, Australia and are dedicated to sharing information about Jewish connections in the region, helping members uncover their heritage, researching this heritage, and sharing our stories.
Anyone with Jewish heritage, who thinks they may have Jewish heritage or is interested in researching this interesting part of history is welcome to join our society. We are open to everyone of every background, regardless of ethnicity or culture, and aim to be a warm and welcoming group to all.
To join our society and take part in our events or access our research resources, all you need to do is complete our membership application. There are three different membership options, including an individual membership (annual fee of $35), family membership (annual fee of $50), and concession card holder membership (annual fee of $20).

Meet other AJGS-VIC members and the committee. Bring a copy of your family tree
Bring a
copy of your family tree to share or some family memorabilia. This
event will be free for members and children under 16.
For further information email [email protected]

Leon Mann & Danny Mann Segal -‘ Our long voyage of discovering how our relatives Moritz and Henny were saved during the Holocaust and meeting the descendants who saved them’
‘ Our long voyage of discovering how our relatives Moritz and Henny were saved during the Holocaust and meeting the descendants who saved them’
For further information email [email protected]

David Marlow- ‘Uncovering Their Names and Stories: 300+ Years of a German-Jewish Family 1697-2024’
David Marlow will speak on ‘Uncovering Their Names and Stories: 300+ Years of a German-Jewish Family 1697-2024’
For further information email [email protected]

Rony Golan, Golan Genealogy גולן גנאלוגיה – Resources for Genealogical Research in Israel (on ZOOM)
Rony Golan, Golan Genealogy גולן גנאלוגיה
For further information email [email protected]
Want to explore your family’s history? Join our society today and let’s discover your family’s story together!
Get ready to find out more about who your ancestors are and their connections with the Jewish community in Victoria today. You might even find new family members living right here in our city!
Past Presentations
Enjoy resources from members of our society and learn about research projects, records, and databases.
Start your journey of discovery, build your family tree, and learn about our shared history.
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Allan Jackie & Bernie Kuran present
DNA Discoveries - Our Amazing
Dr. Erica Cervini
The Lionel Sharpe Oration: Yizkor for Rose: A life Lost and Found : a memorial to a working-class Australian Jewish woman by Dr Erica Cervini
David Mendoza
Sephardic Geneology – David Mendoza
Jeff Schneider
How to use the AJHS website- Jeff Schneider
Michael Tobias
DNA Story- Michael Tobias
Paul Gardner & Michael Tobias
Identifying Kindertransport boy’s Parents – Lionel Sharpe Memorial Presentation 2023